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时间:2022-02-25 来源:51mbalunwen作者:vicky

Chapter one: Introduction

1.1. Research background
At  the  turn  of  the  21st  century,  the  main  vector  of  economic  development underwent  multiple  changes,  which  started  to  form  a  new  kind  of  economy,  where knowledge  is  becoming  the  source  of  the  economic  growth.  This  means  that  the dominant  factor  of  economic  growth  is  considered  to  be  the  system  of  scientific knowledge, new technologies, innovative processes and services, along with new forms of business organization. 
The most developed countries of the modern world economic system are post-industrial, which means that their GDP is mainly formed due to the economy’s tertiary sector – the service industry and knowledge-intensive sphere. Under these conditions, innovations become the driving force of the economy, leading to the development of all other sectors of the economy due to the innovative effect of pricing policy. Thus, the indicators of economic growth of the country as a whole depend on the effectiveness of innovative activity.  
To  control,  regulate  and  effectively  manage  the  country’s  innovation  activity allows a well-built National Innovation System. That is a developing subsystem of the national economic system, and is represented as a set of interconnected units of the innovation  infrastructure  as  well  as  financial,  legal  and  social  institutions  that purposefully  generate  scientific  knowledge  and  transform  it  into  new  technologies, products and services, together with providing commercialization and financing for the subsequent fulfillment of economic interests.  

1.2.Statement of Problem
The  main  purpose  of  this  paper  is  examining  the  volume  of  influence  of international trade on the development of innovation capabilities of the country on the example  of  the  BRICS  countries,  provide  theoretical  foundations  and  practical recommendations for other countries regarding the use of foreign trade in the innovative activity  based  on  knowledge  and  the  development  of  mutual  cooperation  in  the innovation sphere.
The relevance of the chosen study is due to the fact that the modernization of the economies of the BRICS countries and the development of their innovative processes is a new example of the formation of further sustainable and balanced growth of national economies based on knowledge and their development, as well as an integration on this basis into the world economy and the international capital market. The most important catalyst for the modernization of the economies of BRICS countries is the use of such an external economic factor as international trade, which affects the development of their national innovation potential. The problem of taking into account the role of trade as  a  technology  transfer  in  the  innovation  development  of  the  BRICS  countries  is important, but has not been sufficiently studied yet. 
The study mainly uses the method of qualitative analysis with theoretical and statistical analyses as well as conduction of empirical tests. Qualitative analysis is used to explain the current situation in international trade and innovation of the high-tech industry in the countries selected for the research, putting forward the hypothesis that international trade contributes to the development of the country’s innovative activity and,  also  has  a  high  impact  on  National  Innovation  System  of  the  country.

Chapter two: National Innovation Systems and their main characteristics in the BRICS countries

2.1. NIS: Historical Background, definition and structure
Innovative development, conditioned by the development of productive forces, is objectively  inherent  in  every  national  economy.  However,  at  a  certain  stage  of development it is formed into a specific system, called the National Innovation System, which operates according to the principles characteristic of the system contained. The systemic nature of NIS means that technological development is not a chain of one-way directed  causal  relationships  leading  from  research  and  development  (R&D)  to innovations, but rather the process of interaction and feedback of the entire complex of economic, political, social, organizational and other factors that have influence on the creation, implementation, commercialization of innovations and financial support of these processes. NIS are formed under the influence of many factors objectively linked to  each  country,  being  the  determinants  of  the  direction  and  speed  of  innovative activities development. Worldwide experience in the economies’ development of the industrialized countries has shown that innovative development is possible in countries that implement the development strategy of their NIS, taking the specifics into account.  
The founders of the theory of the formation of National Innovation Systems can rightfully be considered Freeman, Lundvall and Nelson, who analyzed the development of innovations in different countries and, on this basis, gave the definition of NIS. 

2.2. The role of innovations in the economic growth
The system of market relations is characterized by many of constant economic changes.  This  is  due  to  the  fact  that  economic  processes  take  place  in  a  changing environment (natural, social and demographic), which also changes the parameters of economic  actions.  However,  the  main  factor  that  drives  the  market  mechanism  and keeps it on track are innovations. 
In  general,  the  term  “innovation”  means  novelty,  renewal,  renovation. Consequently, innovations in a market economy are understood as new goods, methods and ways of the production and transportation of goods, new markets and forms of economic organization.  
The  life  cycle  of  innovations  consists  of  several  stages:  invention,  further transformation  of  this  invention  into  innovation  through  an  investment  mechanism, introduction and distribution of a new product, technologies, combinations of factors of production and new forms of organization. Innovations in the economy have two main strategic  goals:  first,  they  provide  competitive  advantages,  and  secondly,  offer  an important driver of the economic growth.
In  the  1930s  Schumpeter  noted  that  the  introduction  of  products  with  new properties has a direct affection on the economic development of the country together with the use of new technologies and techniques for the implementation of production processes as well as changes in the production organization, its materials and technical support. 
Chapter three: Theoretical analysis of influence of International Trade on country’s Innovation Capability .. 40
3.1. Influencing mechanism of trade on Innovation performance .............................. 40
3.1.1. Technology Trade ................................... 42
3.1.2. Technology spillover effects of trade ........................ 45 
Chapter  four:  International  Trade  influence  within  Innovative  activities  of  the BRICS countries ......... 51
4.1. BRICS countries in the modern global economy ............................. 51
4.2.  Statistical analysis of international trade impact on Innovation Capabilities of BRICS ...................... 54
Chapter  five:  Empirical  analysis  of  the  International  Trade  factors  affecting Innovative performance of BRICS countries ................. 62
5.1. Data collection, research methodology and model specification ......................... 63
5.2. Empirical results .............................. 66

Chapter five: Empirical analysis of the International Trade factors affecting Innovative performance of BRICS countries

5.1. Data collection, research methodology and model specification
The data for the empirical analysis of the influence of international trade on a country’s innovation capability presented in the research as the total number of patents of the selected countries was collected by using statistical resources such as UNCTAD (United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics Database), OECD (The Organization for Economic  Cooperation  and  Development), World  Bank  Indicators  Online  Database, Global Competitiveness Reports 2011-2018, World’s largest catalog of open and public data presented in the online platform Knoema, BRICS Academic forums Reports, as well as the statistical resources of the BRICS countries. 
The total number of patents. Patenting is the process of obtaining a patent for an object of intellectual property; it is also the most effective way to protect a number of intellectual or industrial activity. The rights for invention, utility model and industrial design confirmed by a patent after passing the appropriate official procedure and are protected  by  the  government.  Patenting,  that  is,  assigning  authorship  and  exclusive rights  to  the  author  to  use  a  new  method  or  technical  invention,  remains  the  most effective way for the protection of intellectual property. Moreover, the analysis of the scale and dynamics of the patent activity has a great importance for estimation of the innovative potential of a country, and moreover, it is also of great importance which factors of international trade affect the number of patents in the countries.  The total number (residents and non-residents) of patents data was sourced in the World Bank Indicators Online Database. 

Chapter six: Conclusion and Policy suggestions

6.1.   Conclusion
At present, the development of the world economy can no longer be imagined without the introduction of scientific research results, new technologies and innovations. How countries use the advantages determines their position in the world table of ranks. It is the level of the development of science, science-intensive industries, the world technology market that now creates the basis for dynamic economic development, and is being a factor in the formation of the centers of power. The importance of knowledge-intensive industries and high technologies for the economic is having a great variety. They materialize the results of R&D, also determine the demand for scientific research, and moreover contribute to the development of fundamental science. They form the basis for supplying materials and information innovations for all sectors of the economy without any exception.
The study showed that all BRICS countries are trying to develop their internal market, as the processes of globalization have a negative impact on the economies of these countries due to the politics of western economic and political institutions. The market  development  indicators  are  increasing  in  all  of  the  countries  of  the  group. However, it should be mentioned that the main problem of innovation cooperation is the irregular development of BRICS countries. China and India are being the leader in the innovative development of the group. The most important success factors of which are the presence of global brands that ensure the rapid implementation of innovations in the market and, above all, coverage of the domestic market. 

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